
委托设计 在线留言


公司簡介 竹工凡木設計研究室(CHU-studio)團隊學經歷跨足建築、室內、景觀及工業設計。本團隊強調實務與研究之相輔相乘,在每個案子上秉持四大原則:數位性(Digitality)、藝術性(Art)、跨界性(Crossover)及永續性(Sustainability),尤其對於電腦輔助設計(CAD)及電腦輔助生產(CAM)有持續之研究與應用,近來更致力參數式演算法(Parametric Generative Design Process),期望打破傳統設計思維,並有效降低工程成本。我們同時關注當代跨界的觀念,對於各種空間不完全遵循傳統固有的思維及做法,無論針對任何空間都企圖打破既有框架限制,尋找空間的可能性。 About CHU-studio The background of CHU-studio designers vary from architecture, interior design, landscape to industrial design. We put emphasis on both practical experience and research work. With our four principles “Digitality, Artistry, Crossover and Sustainability”, we keep working on the research and application of CAD/CAM and Parametric Generative Design Process in hopes of breaking traditional rules and lowering construction cost. In the meantime, we also focus on the trend of “Crossover” in an attempt to break the limit and work out different solutions and possibilities of space. 竹工凡木的由來 Michael Maltzan曾說過一句話「I am not interested in solving everything.」,建築要解決的議題太多而太廣,我們不求面面俱到,只想在每個設計案中找到其自身特有的切入點。研究室的名字竹工凡木就是由中文字「築」所解構出的四個部首,間接暗示了本研究室的核心價值,建築不再只是全面性的Construction,而是透過解構(Deconstruction)的過程,找到單一的切入點,用單純的手法來處理。 The Origination of CHU-studio Michael Maltzan said” I am not interested in solving everything.”, so we do not expect designed for one project. The Chinese name of CHU-studio is deconstructed from the word ”築” and is composed of four characters ”竹、工、凡、木”. It also implies our core value - to find out solutions through deconstruction process. 【更多】

