
委托设计 在线留言


INTRODUCTION Beijing LOCATION IN DESIGN: Every design we make is from one point, one line, one side, so our design is to design the space after understanding the characteristics of this place. We hope that different locations have different product characteristics, and different spaces have the space temperament that it should have. The company's main business scope: clubs, model rooms, office space, education industry and high-end private owners; The design field covers: interior design, soft construction, product design, building renovation, etc. Through continuous hard work and solidarity, we have developed the design market in North China, Central China and South China. We will always enhance the value with design innovation. We serve each of our customers with positive + hard work + love of learning. Achieve self-worth with the goal of Design in China. 北京地点空间设计有限公司(LOCATION SPACE IN DESIGN): 我们做每一个设计都是从一个点,一条线,一个面出发,所以我们的设计都是从理解这个地点的特质之后进行空间的设计。我们希望不同的地点有其不同的产 品特点,不同的空间有它应有的空间气质。 公司主要业务范围:会所、样板间、办公空间、教育行业及高端私人业主等; 设计领域涵盖了:室内设计,软装施工,产品设计,建筑改造等; 经过不断的努力拼搏和团结协作已经开拓出华北,华中、华南等地的设计市场,我们会一直以设计创新来提升价值,我们本着积极 + 努力 + 热爱学习的态度服 务我们的每一个客户。以 Design in China 为目标,实现自我价值。 【更多】

