描述:从品牌概念创意到全案设计与装修,整体梦幻,自然,一层以钻石切割面作为填充,体现钻石宝石首饰经营的专业性;从蝴蝶雏形到破茧成蝶的整个设计思路付诸于实体店装修,更印证爱情破茧成蝶,修成正果的不易; 二层极具现代主义创意,朴实且光滑的欧松板柜台,水泥漆墙面与精致手绘钻石图案碰撞,下嵌式欧松板地台与精致的地毯碰撞,极度不合常规的珠宝店装修风格,在精致与粗糙,细节与轮廓中,巧妙衬托出珠宝的精致与华丽。 From brand concept creation to whole case design and decoration, the whole is dreamy and natural. On the first floor, the diamond cutting surface is used as the filling to reflect the professionalism of diamond jewelry management; the whole design idea from butterfly rudiment to cocoon breaking into butterfly is put into the decoration of physical stores, which further proves that love cocoon breaking into butterfly, and it's not easy to achieve the right result. On the second floor, there is a simple and smooth osson board counter with modern creativity. The cement paint wall collides with the exquisite hand-painted diamond pattern. The inlaid osson board platform collides with the exquisite carpet. The extremely unconventional jewelry shop decoration style ingeniously sets off the exquisite and gorgeous jewelry in the exquisite and rough, detail and outline.
描述:相传古代有一只凤凰在大同城内牌楼附近降落,凤凰落下后,有一位勇敢的武士见它不同选凡鸟,羽毛华丽,五光十色,姿态高傲,勇士萌生好奇心,挽弓向凤凰射去,恰好射在凤凰的右翅膀上,凤凰在疼痛中凄然长鸣,抖掉一大团羽毛向南飞去消失在天幕中。凤凰抖落下来的羽毛悠然飘落,刹那洒满大地,化作大同城,故有“ 凤 凰 城 ”之称。 本案位于大同仿古街广场东侧,坐南朝北,北侧有窗,加之L型内部结构,采光局限性甚大;共计两层,两层原始格局相似。 整体改造沿用山西四合院落式框架,顶部取光,给与最大化采光及通风条件;分别设有前厅,中庭,正庭,客房15间及餐厅等;内部造型简洁大气,质感古朴,与敦厚稳重的配饰相印,呈现当时拓跋建都之气魄与宏伟,凤凰戏牡丹砖雕、深色青石板,水泥肌理与实木质感相结合,又不失当代本土居民浓厚的生活气息。 There is a story spreading for long time about Datong City, which is about the origin of the city. In ancient times, a phoenix landed in the vicinity of an archway in Dating. A brave warrior, seeing the phoenix acted in a proud manner with gorgeous and colorful feathers, different from other ordinary birds, was so curious that he shot an arrow from his bow to the right wing of the phoenix. The bird screamed in pain, then flied south, and disappeared in the sky, shaking off lots of feathers. The falling feathers bestrewed the earth at the moment, turning into Dating City. Thus, the city is also known as the Phoenix city. This case is located in the east side of Datong Antique Street Square, facing north and facing south. There are windows in the north side. In addition, the L-shaped internal structure has great lighting limitations. There are two floors in total, and the original pattern of the two floors is similar. The overall renovation adopts the floor type frame of Shanxi Siheyuan as shown in the figure below, with the top taking light and maximizing the lighting and ventilation conditions; there are vestibule, atrium, atrium, 15 guest rooms, restaurant, etc. The overall renovation adopts the floor type frame of Shanxi Siheyuan as shown in the figure below, with the top taking light and maximizing the lighting and ventilation conditions; there are vestibule, atrium, atrium, 15 guest rooms, restaurant, etc.