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竹工凡木定位為「設計研究室」而非「設計公司」。主要的想法是我認為台灣建築的環境,學界與業界有嚴重的斷層,若期望自己持續對建築有貢獻及見解,必需架構一個平台和系統,有效將專業知識與實務經驗相互連結,我稱之為「知識網絡」。這樣的想法是受到Rem Koolhaas影響,他所領導的OMA及AMO團隊是Rem的左右手,OMA完全致力於研究與調查,而AOM則成為實踐的平台。因而竹工凡木團隊分為Research & Design兩個部分,致力於數位性(Digitality)、藝術性(Art)、跨界性(Crossover)及永續性(Sustainability)四大範疇,尤其對於數位設計發展及應用有更多的琢磨,第一是將參數式觀念及技術如何導入設計流程和營造階段,其二是電腦輔助設計系統(CAD/CAM)如何有效整合至現有之營建體系,透過研究的成果,找機會在竹工凡木的平台實踐,而這樣的反饋網絡也的確對於建築及室設業界產生影響。

Positioning of CHU-studio
The positioning of CHU-Studio is not a “firm” but a “ design studio”. In my point of view, there is a deep gap between academia and industry when it comes to the construction environment of Taiwan. In order to contribute what we’ve learned, we need to build a so called “Knowledge Network System” to combine professional knowledge and practical experience. The idea is inspired by Rem Koolhas who has two teams in his company: OMA and AMO. OMA is responsible for research and investigation, while AMO moves the results toward implementation. With the same concept, CHU-studio is also divided into two teams: Research department and Design Department. We are committed to developing the four points: “Digitality, Artistry, Crossover and Sustainability”. We lay stress on how to utilize the research results and skills from our research team into the process of design and construction, and how to integrate CAD/CAM method into the existed construction system and our project. We hope this kind of network bring some affect in Architecture and Interior Design industry.